Board End Statement #3:
“Students have acquired the skills required to develop and sustain positive, healthy relationships.”
Among ways students at MSES learn about and develops strong and supportive relationships are the following:
Second Step, Grades 1-5
The Second Step program teaches skills in the following four areas:
- Skills for Learning: Students gain skills to help themselves learn, including how
to focus their attention, listen carefully, use self-talk to stay on task, and be
assertive when asking for help with schoolwork.
- Empathy: Students learn to identify and understand their own and others’
feelings. Students also learn how to take another’s perspective and how to
show compassion.
- Emotion Management: Students learn specific skills for calming down when
experiencing strong feelings, such as anxiety or anger.
- Problem Solving: Students learn a process for solving problems with others in a
positive way.Click HERE for link to learn more about Second Step
Counseling Groups, All Grades
Counselor meets with groups of grade level students to address specific concerns and issues. Currently, she has multiple groups running to address: friendship skills, anger management, anxiety, grief, and changing families.
Individual Counseling
Students are seen on an individual basis to address individual concerns that may include topics like crisis response, familial issues, anger management or friendship issues.
Kidpower, Grades 1 and 4
Kidpower’s mission is to teach young people personal safety and confidence-building skills to reduce their risk of abduction, assault and emotional, physical and sexual abuse.
5th Grade Camp
To effect positive change in the community by creating opportunities in the outdoors for personal growth, leadership development and the building of relationships through exceptional camping experiences.
Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run is a physical activity based, positive youth development program for girls. Life skills are taught through dynamic, interactive lessons and running games.
Family Connections Dinner, All Grades
Creates an opportunity for families and students to come together to build relationships and learn healthy eating habits for the family.